Saturday, October 20, 2012

Unintended Hiatus Ending!

I'm back... Sorry for the lack of post the past few weeks. I had to take a little hiatus since the wife landed a NEW TEACHING JOB!!! Her getting settled in to a new routine, daddy duty was in full swing! That being said, have plenty of things in the works for the site! I'm working with my father-in-law on another upcoming HDR Workshop we are teaching in or our local area. Have a lot of things planned and some cool downloads coming too! Stay tuned, and stay social... hit me up on Twitter any time if you tweet!

Work Flow for above image: Old Mill collaboration - Photos via Steve Rich
Downloaded the 3 RAW version of the images > Photomatix Pro (tone-map using a custom setting)>Saved as 8-bit tiff > opened in PSE 10, duplicated a layer > ran Topaz DeNoise (strong jpeg), duplicated this layer > Topaz Clean 3 (Curly smooth 4) applied, duplicated this layer > Nik Complete 3.0 (very little -Glamor Glow) applied > created a new blank layer in PSE 10 to add h2o mark > saved as Med. size Jpeg. Let me know if you have any questions.